Yoga Blog

OCTOBER 26, 2011

Cannabis Confessions: From Skeptic to Wellness Warrior (and Maybe You Too?)

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Natural Highs, Philosophy2 comments

For years, cannabis was a topic I tiptoed around. It felt shrouded in a haze of misconceptions and negativity. But then, life threw me a curveball – chronic anxiety that left me feeling constantly on edge. Sleepless nights and a tight knot in my stomach became my unwelcome companions. Traditional medications weren’t a great fit, leaving me with unwanted side effects. So, with a healthy dose of skepticism, I decided to explore the world of cannabis.

My Journey to Greener Pastures:

My initial foray was hesitant. I started slow, with low doses and guidance from a knowledgeable dispensary staff. What I discovered surprised me. Certain strains, rich in CBD, seemed to have a calming effect, easing the constant anxious chatter in my head. Slowly, sleep returned, and that unwelcome knot in my stomach loosened its grip.

Beyond Anxiety Relief:

But cannabis wasn’t a one-trick pony. As I continued my exploration, I discovered other potential benefits. After a long day, a small dose of THC offered a welcome relaxation, easing muscle tension and melting away stress. And for those days when a bad headache threatened to derail everything, a specific strain (recommended by my dispensary friends, of course!) proved to be a surprisingly effective pain reliever.

It’s Not a Magic Bullet (But It Can Be a Powerful Ally):

Now, let me be clear – cannabis isn’t a magic cure-all. It’s essential to do your research, talk to a healthcare professional, and find what works for your unique body. But for me, it’s been a game-changer. It’s helped me manage my anxiety, improve my sleep, and find natural relief for occasional pain.

California Dreamin’ of Your Own Dispensary?

If you’re curious about cannabis and its potential health benefits, remember, knowledge is power. Talk to a doctor and explore reliable sources. Everyone’s body is different, and what works for me might not work for you.

But here’s the thing – the cannabis industry in California is booming! If you’ve ever dreamt of opening your own dispensary, there’s a whole team of experts waiting to be your secret weapon for success.

Dispensary Loan Mavens:

Think of dispensary loan experts like HEF Finance as business wizards, specializing in the world of cannabis. They understand the intricacies of this exciting industry, from navigating the legal landscape to securing funding. Here’s how they can help you turn your dispensary dream into a thriving reality:

Financing Foundations: Loan experts can connect you with lenders who get the cannabis industry. Securing funding, that crucial first step, becomes a whole lot easier with their guidance.
Regulatory Roadmap: The legalities of cannabis can feel daunting. Experts can guide you through the maze of compliance, ensuring your business operates smoothly and within all California regulations.
Business Blueprint: A solid business plan is your dispensary’s foundation. Experts can offer invaluable guidance on everything from market research to competitor analysis, and help you create a financial model that sets you up for long-term success.

The Final Note:

My journey with cannabis has been a positive one. But remember, it’s all about finding what works for you. Consult a healthcare professional and approach it with caution and research. And hey, if you’re in California and that entrepreneurial itch is calling, there’s a whole team of dispensary loan experts ready to be your secret weapon for success!

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SEPTEMBER 29, 2011

Breathe To Live

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Interesting Reads, Wellnessno responses

Breathing is considered a ‘life giver’ to all living beings. People always say that we ‘ eat to live’ but yogis believe that we ‘breathe to live’. So for most of you out there who are not conscious of how the respiratory system works, let me remind you again about the workings of this vital system in simple terms. Visit

In general terms, when we inhale air into the body, oxygen from the air passes into the blood and when we exhale, carbon dioxide is being expelled from the body. Oxygen is required for energy production, therefore as a result of chemical reactions due to the production of energy, carbon dioxide is released and must be eliminated. Otherwise, it will cause the cells of our body to be poisoned.

The respiratory system consists of the:

(a) nose
(b) pharynx ( throat )
(c) larynx ( voice box )
(d) trachea ( wind pipe )
(e) Bronchi ( main airways in the chest )
(f) lungs


Nose - filters, warms and moistens inhaled air

Pharynx( Throat ), Larynx ( Voice Box ), Trachea ( Windpipe )
- passageway for air to and from the lungs

Bronchial Tubes, Bronchioles, Alveoli
- from the trachea, air goes into the right and left bonchial tubes
The bronchial tubes ( plural sense, its called bronchi: singularly its called bronchus )
lead directly into the lungs where they divide into many smaller tubes ( bronchioles )
which connect to tiny sacs called alveoli ( air sacs )
- alveoli is where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between air in the lungs
and blood occurs ( diffusion / exchange of gases ). In the lungs, oxygen binds the
haemoglobin whereas carbon dioxide is released from haemoglobin into the alveoli.
Oxygen is then transported by the haemoglobin to the tissues where it is released.
Carbon dioxide from the tissue cells is bound by alveoli and is transported to the lungs to be
released out of the body by exhalation. Check out the latest protetox real reviews.


So voila, now you know what happens in your respiratory system when you breathe. If you prefer, you can perform an active meditation by focusing on the ‘process of respiration’ as above. Please make sure you are breathing fully into your lungs as oppose to having a short breath. Remember, the anceint yogis have a saying which goes like this:

…..the number of breath you take determines the length of your life……..


**Our next 2N 3D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat
**Our next 4N 5D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat

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SEPTEMBER 23, 2011

Basil + Garlic + Chilli Olive Oil Infusion

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Natural Highs, Wellnessno responses

Pesto is one of my favorite sauce for pasta dishes. So, tired of going around supermarkets looking for basil and sometimes not finding it, I decided to plant some so that I can have it anytime and whenever I have sudden cravings for pesto. After an overgrowth of my basil plant, I decided that to make use of my basil leaves, I have to find something else to do with it other than pesto all the time.Then came my basil + garlic + chili infused olive oil project. It’s so convenient as it can be used in salads, as a dip, in pastas and lots more. For those of you whose mouth are watering now, here’s the recipe you can use. It’s easy and I think even if you are crappy in the kitchen, you will be able to survive this oil infusion ordeal.

You need:

500 ml             olive oil

1 cup / 8 oz      fresh basil leaves

5 – 8 cloves     garlic

3 – 5                red dry chillies

To make a deliciously aromatic infusion:

1) Wash the basil and leave it to dry because water content disrupts the infusion process by causing fungus to form during infusion process

2) Blend garlic and dry chillies

3) Pour 200ml olive oil in a pan, add the blended ingredients and ½ cup of fresh basil leaves, then simmer for about 2 – 3 minutes on low fire ( do not allow it to boil )

4) Remove pan from stove and let it cool

5) Pour ingredients from the pan into an airtight glass container

6) Finally add the remainder ingredients in the container

7) Store in the fridge for about 2 weeks. You can opt to infuse it longer than 2 weeks. The longer you infuse, the richer the taste


**Our Next 2 N 3D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat

**Our Next 4N 5D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat

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