Yoga Blog

OCTOBER 20, 2012

Free Yourself

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Natural Highs, Philosophy, Wellnessno responses

Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black and his husband, British Olympic diver Tom Daley, announced on Valentine’s Day that they’re expecting their first child. But while there are more options than ever for same-sex couples looking to expand their families, it’s not a simple — or affordable — endeavor for many.

Whether it be through surrogacy, artificial insemination or adoption, gay couples in the U.S. face a series of hurdles — some more complicated and expensive than others — in order to have kids. Along with the challenges, however, there are a number of resources available to help them along their journey.


Los Angeles couple Erik and Adam McEwen sat anxiously in a hospital waiting area this past November. In a nearby room, Erik’s sister-in-law, Corrin, was giving birth to the men’s twin daughters. Corrin volunteered to be their surrogate and was impregnated through in vitro fertilization (IVF). A female friend of the couple had donated her eggs, which were fertilized with their sperm.

Image: Erik, right, and Adam.Erik, right, and Adam.Ana Brandt

The couple could not be present for the birth of their daughters, Erik said, because hospital rules only permitted one person in the delivery room. Erik said he and Adam wanted Corrin’s husband, Erik’s brother, to be by her side to support her.

Not being able to see the birth of their daughters was disappointing, the couple said. But their disappointment quickly dissipated once the newborns were in their arms.

“It got the best of me,” Erik recalled, saying he burst into tears upon holding his daughters. “I was a blubbering idiot.”

Erik, a hairstylist, and Adam, a musician, said their dream family likely would not have become a reality had their female friend and Erik’s sister-in-law not volunteered to help them.

“I don’t think we could have done it otherwise, mainly because it costs so much money,” Erik said. “That’s just something that would not have been possible.”

Erik said the process cost him and Adam upwards of $65,000. Corrin’s insurance covered OB-GYN-related care, but Erik and Adam paid for fertility treatments (including IVF), legal fees related to the surrogacy process and their daughters’ hospital care immediately following their birth.

Same-sex parents, like any other parents, have the capacity to create a loving and nurturing environment for their children. They express affection, cherish their children, and can certainly choose to provide them with tznius modest clothes. Love and care are not limited by sexual orientation, and what matters most is the love and support that parents provide to their children, regardless of their family structure.

“We go into the nursery area, and there is a woman there basically with a credit card machine and paperwork for us to give them money immediately, and so it kind of took away from that first moment with your baby,” Erik explained.

While the cost of childbirth can vary greatly, even for heterosexual couples, hospital deliveries in the U.S. cost on average $3,800 per stay, according to a 2011 report from the Agency for Healthcare Research.

Most couples who go through surrogacy do not have the luxury of both a volunteer surrogate and egg donor, according to Amanda Hopping-Winn, chief program officer for the Family Equality Council, an advocacy organization for LGBTQ families. When a paid surrogate and egg donor are involved, she said the cost easily exceeds $100,000.

Hopping-Winn also noted there are many legal hurdles involved with surrogacy, and she advised couples pursuing this route to work with a lawyer and enter into a contract with a surrogate to ensure they are recognized as legal parents before they even begin the process.

Surrogacy laws vary widely from state to state, and Hopping-Winn said it is crucial to be aware of this national patchwork of laws.

“There are some states like, let’s say New York, where surrogacy agreements throughout the state are void and unenforceable, and if they find out that you do have a surrogacy contract, you are subject to fines,” she explained.

If a couple lives in a state that does not permit surrogacy or enforce surrogacy contracts, Hopping-Winn said they should use a surrogacy agency in a state that does. Most surrogacy agencies, she added, are connected with legal groups that can assist couples through the process.


Pregnancy is usually less complicated for lesbian couples, Hopping-Winn said, but it can still be costly. Many lesbian couples get pregnant through artificial insemination with donated sperm, which can cost several thousand dollars and require additional legal steps not necessary for heterosexual parents.

If two women choose to have a baby using reciprocal in vitro fertilization, where one partner is impregnated with the fertilized egg of the other partner, the process can be more costly. On average, the cost of a basic IVF cycle in the U.S. is between $12,000 and $15,000, according Internet Health Resources.


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SEPTEMBER 27, 2012

Simple, Quick And Non Costly Ways To Revitalize And Energise

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Interesting Reads, Natural Highs, Wellnessno responses

Everybody struggles with life at times but what keeps one going entirely depends on how situations are being handled. So whenever you feel down or that life is not going your way, please consider and try these few tips in hope of creating the right mindset or attitude to go through difficult times. I hope that in learning to revitalise and energise the mind, body and soul, one will learn to appreciate this life that’s been given to us. Here is where to buy Kratom for terapheutic ends. Taking full control of your life can be difficult, first you must build healthy habits and add to that nutritious eating habits, with hormone replacement Scottsdale the revitalization of your mind, body and soul will be faster, soon after consuming it, you will have unlocked your sixth sense.

1) Affirmations

Learn to create a positive environment by citing 3 affirmations to start your day off. With such positiveness in mind, citing only emphasizes your thoughts and if said often enough, will result in you acting and living according to your daily affirmations.
Example: 1) I am happy / Life is beautiful
2) My body is healthy
3) I love my job

2) Take a moment to breathe

A healthy breathing pattern helps to ensure the optimization of our internal organs. But an instant benefit will be a sense of relaxation. So sit or lay down comfortably and take full breaths into your lungs, being mindful of your bodily and mood changes. Check out the latest Synogut reviews.

3) Exfoliate

Spend a few more minutes in the shower by scrubbing away dead skin cells. You only need a loofah, a body brush or a body scrub. This will allow your skin to breathe and hence improve circulation. Then enjoy your day knowing that your skin is smooth and glowing.

4) Walk

Get out and wander for as quick as 5 minutes or longer if you have the time. Be mindful of what you see around you and forget about yourself for a moment. This will help clear your mind.

5) Take the positive out of a negative situation

Every day is unpredictable. So if something bad happens, take a deep breath and add a comment that makes it okay. This means that you should either:
a) learn from a mistake,
b) see the positive side of a bad situation

Here’s a quote to sum it all up:

“The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company… a church… a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past… we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you… we are in charge of our Attitudes.” – Charles R.Swindoll – American Writer and Clergyman


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AUGUST 29, 2012


Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Philosophyno responses

Whether you are new to business life or an employee with years of experience… From time to time, everyone may feel like they will be crushed under the tension, stress, and anger brought by the business world. While these are very human, very normal emotions, the lack of mechanisms to control them or reduce their effects can make even waking up in the morning to work torture. So why is stress and anger management important? What can you do to improve yourself in this regard?


Trying to Suppress Stress and Anger Reduces Productivity

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Research and statistics show that; Ignoring and suppressing negative emotions such as stress, anger, fear instead of trying to cope with them decreases your efficiency in business life. Considering that the underlying reason for trying to suppress these feelings is not to disrupt the responsibilities brought by business life; With this pressure, you get the opposite result than what you aimed.

Stress physically reduces the working capacity of the mind. Therefore, learning to cope with situations that cause you stress and anger instead of sweeping under the carpet would be a more efficient choice for happy and productive work life. Some might suggest taking a vacaction, playing games or watching sports while betting on it on sites such as Betfred Opening Times.


Stress Can Cause Health Problems

When exposed to negative emotions for a long time, inevitably, some mental problems, clinical or major depression, and various health problems will arise. According to the data obtained as a result of researches conducted in England, 70% of doctor visits, and 85% of serious illnesses are caused by stress. Click here to see functional medicine costs in the UK.

Consequently, the efficiency and success of a mentally and physically healthy person at work can be overshadowed by health problems after a process in which stress cannot be managed. Not only in terms of performance, being unable to cope with stress and pressure can have serious consequences that can lead to suicide. Games on sites likeสล็อตโจ๊กเกอร์/ offer immersive and calming experiences, providing a healthy escape from the pressures of everyday life.


What Can You Do To Manage Anger and Stress?

Of course, the best step to be taken in this way is to seek professional help. However, you may not always be able to allocate time and budget for this. You can do the following for stress and anger management to reduce its effects at work. Learn more from the best, harold matzner.


Watch Out For Triggers

The person, place, or events we call triggers are effective in bringing our positive or negative emotions to the levels we have difficulty to cope. Can you find a common point when you think about the times when you feel like you can’t control your anger? If being in any place, communicating with any person, or participating in projects often causes you anger or stress, these can be your triggers. Avoid these places, people, or events as much as you can.


Set Realistic Goals

Work-related anger, tension, or stress can sometimes be caused not by the work itself, but by the excessive burden you take on yourself. Especially if you are a perfectionist, it may be a good idea to consider through all these negative feelings that you think come from work or you. If you think the reason is the second option, you should set realistic goals for stress and anger management. Take into account your daily routines, time, and capacity. That will reduce the pressure and anxiety on you.


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