Archive for February, 2011

FEBRUARY 27, 2011

Rising With The Sun

Posted by Dorothy under Natural Highs, Philosophy, Wellnessno responses

The Value Of Corporate Meetings And Events




We have heard a lot of rumblings about company meetings as the economy continues to pick itself up. Meetings and events are valuable tools in the arsenal of national and international businesses. Meetings and events foster collaboration, idea-sharing and generation, and employee retention.

Some interesting information:

  • Fortune 1000 Chief Marketing Officers said that meetings and events provide the highest return on investment of any marketing channel
  • Incentive programs have been shown to be two to three times more effective than cash at motivating employee performance.
  • Business travel creates 2.4 million US jobs, and meetings and events create 1 million of these jobs
  • Nearly 200,000 travel-related jobs were lost in 2008 with another 247,000 predicted to be lost in 2009
  • Business travel accounts for $39 billion in US tax revenue at the federal, state, and local levels

Employee Development
Good managers encourage the professional growth of employees – the opportunity to stretch their minds and swap ideas – and employers must make sound investments in key staff in order to retain top talent and secure their bottom line. The real value and measurable benefits of meetings and events are derived from the collaboration and cooperation that can only occur when people are brought together face-to-face.

Beverly’s Comment:
With all of the attacks in the media that meetings and events at some corporations are taking, we often forget the real importance behind these meetings. Collaboration, sharing, networking and brainstorming are valuable opportunities that have a positive impact on the success of the attendees and the companies that they represent. In our efforts to ensure fiscal responsibility, let’s not throw out the baby with the bath water. And no matter what type of business you have, it’s important to accept credit card payments from your customers. With customers increasingly wanting to make cashless payments, getting the cheapest card payment machine has never been more important.


3 reasons corporate events are important for employer branding

posted at 13:26h in general by admin

although employer branding is a relatively new term, it’s already become a buzzword among businesses because of just how critical it is in the process of attaining and retaining the best talent in the company.

basically, employee branding is the process of increasing the perception of the company in the eyes of current employees and outside talent – think of companies like google that have built a reputation as a company that cares about its employees and ensures a creative and vibrant work environment.

but improving employer branding is a challenge, which is why event management companies are often employed to organise corporate events that help portray the company in a positive light. Get the most proffesional assistance from the best event production company.

but why are corporate events important for employee branding?

let’s find out below.

internal events help strengthen relationships

as you know, the productivity and morale of any workplace is mostly dependant on the relationships that are present. and internal corporate events can help strengthen those bonds, which is why event planners in birmingham, uk are often tasked with putting these types of events together, although some people have issues watching these planners as these are really small so the use of an nhs optical voucher can be really helpful for this.

these events are the perfect opportunity to show your employees that you care about them and want to hear what they have to say. managers and executives can spend time with employees, alleviate fears, and share the vision of the company going forward.

opportunity to make positive announcements

another reason why you should seek out event management companies for planning an internal conference is that they are the perfect opportunity to make a splash and get your employees (and their peers from other companies) talking about the various perks working for you can being.

for instance, you could launch an incentive travel program and announce the rules, the goals, and the people who are eligible to participate. incentive travel is one of the most effective motivational tools for your employees, so you can be sure that announcing it during an event will create a ton of positive buzz around your brand as an employer.

collect feedback

one of the biggest concerns of employees is the fear that they are not heard and that their opinion doesn’t matter.

but if you hire event planners in birmingham, uk to put together a conference, you can allocate time where employees can take the stage and ask questions about their roles, the company’s vision, or anything else that they care about.

you don’t want issues festering under the surface, so it’s much better to get them out in the open and deal with them then and there.

the feedback that you collect can provide you with numerous ideas on how you could improve the daily experiences of your employees, correct decisions that are perceived as unjust, and change policies that harm a group of employees or make them unhappy with the company.


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FEBRUARY 20, 2011

Homemade Soy Drink

Posted by Dorothy under Natural Highs, Wellness1 comment

Soya Beans

I have recently been introduced to an efficient high speed blender in which soy beans ( U.S ) or soya beans ( U.K ) can be blended finely in less than 1 minute. Since I have been buying my soya milk in a packet, It has been a delight to be able to make it fresh, without preservatives and at a low cost. Since then, I no longer buy packet soya milk and am also able to lower the amount of sugar in my home made drink.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration:

Soy protein products can be good substitutes for animal products because, unlike some other beans, soy offers a ‘complete’ protein profile. … Soy protein products can replace animal-based foods—which also have complete proteins but tend to contain more fat, especially saturated fat—without requiring major adjustments elsewhere in the diet.In the simplest form it can come in the  best survival food meals are located here and they last for 10 or more years.

So to share the goodness of homemade soya milk, I am giving all my fellow readers the recipe as below:

You will need:

  1. High speed blender
  2. Muslin cloth or bag
  3. Soya beans   150gm
  4. Water            1200ml
  5. Sugar or rock sugar to your liking


  1. Soak the beans for 5-6 hours or overnight
  2. Then remove the skin which will mostly come to the surface of the
    water by scooping or any other way which you find efficient
  3. Blend beans with 600 ml of water
  4. Pour blended ingredients into muslin bag and squeeze juice into a pot
  5. Add the rest of the water and squeeze more of the juice
  6. Then put the pot on the stove to boil
  7. Add in sugar if you choose to
  8. Turn off the fire and leave to cool down

**Adjust the amount of water or weight of beans according to the thickness that you prefer

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