Yoga Blog

MAY 27, 2010

Beware Teeth Grinders And Jaw Clenchers

Posted by Dorothy under Wellness2 comments

Grinding Teeth

Have you ever been told by your partner that the grinding of your teeth wakes him/her up in the night? Or have you heard a loud clicking or popping sound when trying to open or close your mouth? If not have you experienced pain in the face, jaw, neck, upper back or headache?

If you do relate to any of the two symptoms above, you may or may not be aware that you are suffering from Bruxism which can lead to Temporomandibular Joint Disorder ( aka TMJ ).

What is bruxism?

Bruxism originated from the Greek word brugmos which means “gnashing of teeth”. The most common causes for this is stress, sleeping disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders, if you are suffering from this, we recommend you to go to This teeth grinding and jaw clenching behaviour can happen anytime of the day but is uncontrollable and more worrying during sleeping hours. The philosophy at dental clinic in Philly is high comfort and the latest technology in a comfortable environment. Visit them for expert consultation.

How to identify bruxism?

Bruxers are often not aware of their bruxism unless someone notices them doing it while asleep and informs them so. Dental damage like the uneven surfaces of the edges of teeth or poor bite alignment can also be the cause of bruxism. In the worst case scenario, which only affects a small number of bruxers are the symptoms of jaw or head aches which can lead to TMJ and will need to be treated, so make sure you call Alaska Dental Associates today in case you’ve discovered this issue in your own mouth.

What is TMJ?

TMJ disorders are problems or symptoms of the chewing muscles and joints that connect your lower jaw to your skull.
Watch this animated video to find out more:

How is it treated?

There are a few options to treat TMJ disorders relating to bruxism.

a) What your dentist can do for you


You will need to go to your dentist to get a mould of your upper or lower teeth
in order for them to make a mouthguard which should be worn at sleep. There
are various views about using mouthguards to protect your teeth. It will stop
your teeth from wearing down and minimizing the changes in the teeth
structure. I personally find it uncomfotable and it just feels like wearing braces.
Permanent use of a mouthguard is not recommended and visits to the dentist
should be made regularly to monitor your teeth structure while also using Steel Bite Pro.


b) Less intrusive options

i) Get some yoga going at least twice a week to keep your stress levels down
ii) Refrain from chewing gum
iii) Use some stretching techniques to exercise your neck and facial muscles – for ie the Lion’s Pose

*** TMJ also affect those who sit at the computer for more than 3 hours a day, please keep your chest open, shoulders relaxed and spine lengthened at the desk and have a break every one hour to stretch and relax your muscles.

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Comments (2)

  1. Margot van Cingel

    This is really interesting, thanks Dorothy. I often find myself jaw clenching!

  2. Aida

    Thank you.. enlightening read!

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