Yoga Blog

MAY 31, 2011

The Most Hardworking And Neglected Part Of The Human Body

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Natural Highs, Wellness1 comment

Happy Feet

From the moment you get out of bed in the morning, your house awakens to the sound of your footsteps. Before you even leave the house to get to work, you would have easily taken about 30 steps. Then when you have stepped into your protective shoes ( or so you think ), off you go to start your busy day.

How often have you thought about your harworking feet when they hold you up all day and take you everywhere you need to go? Are you sensitive to their aches and pains? Do you know what to do to keep them healthy? With so much focus on keeping our face spot free and hands smooth, most of us neglect and forget to think that our feet should be given more attention because of the role they play in our daily live.

Here are few tips to keep your feet happy:

1) Reflexology

A treatment where pressure is used on points and nerve endings on the feet to encourage good energy flow. Such points are linked to muscles and organs of our body, therefore stimulation of these points aid in relieving muscle fatigue and clear energy blockages. These treatments are normally offered at spas or beauty centres. Simple steps can also be learned to give yourself or your loved one a short routine which can help to release daily tensions.

2) Foot Scrub and Bath

If you are living close to a beach, this can easily be done while relaxing by the beach. Grab some sand and gently scrub your feet in a circular motion. When you are done, head to the sea and soak your feet in it. To replicate this at home, you can easily get manufactured foot scrubs at the pharmacy or body care stores. As for the foot bath, prepare some luke warm water, add some cooking salt and walla, have a good dip.

3) Toe and Feet Exercises

We often neglect to stretch our toes and feet, resulting in the decrease of full range of motion at the joints. These exercises are so simple to do that people often over look their benefits. Here are 4 exercises which can easily be done anytime, whether you are sitting or laying in bed. There are also 3 ways to do them.

i)      Start with the Right first then Left

ii)     Proceed with feet together

iii)    Finally keep both feet separately and move them at the same time

a) Ankle Rotation

In a clockwise motion, slowly circle the right foot from the ankle ( 8 x )
Then switch for anti clockwise motion ( 8 x )

b) Ankle Bending

Bend the Right foot backwards from the ankle joint, bringing your toes closer to the knee.
Then move the foot forward, stretching the toes forward to touch the floor.

c) Toe Bending

Keep your Right foot flexed, with the toes relaxed and pointing up to the ceiling.
Keeping the ankle relaxed, move the toes backward and forward.

d) Separating of Toes – this has to be done with both feet flattened on the ground

Lift the toes of the Right foot, then stretch the toes away from each other, one at a time, starting from the little toe to the big toe, place them down on the ground.

4) Viparita Karani ( Legs Up Against The Wall pose )

When you get into bed at night, before you fall asleep, prop your legs up the wall, keeping your butt against the wall. This releases the blood pressure in the legs, taking away all the stress in the legs, giving a light and relaxing feeling. It also helps to reduce varicose veins and relaxes the muscles of the legs.

5) Proper and Comfortable Foot Wear

One of the most common feet problems are due to improper foot wear. Ladies in high heels are the most damaging, not only to the feet, but also hips. These days, there are quite a number of shoe manufacturers who make shoes with the intention of comfort and feet health in mind. The few simple rules to keep in mind when buying shoes are that the sole supports the impact of walking, the size fits well without cramming the toes and for ladies, killer 5 inch heels make you look sexy but that is not how your feet and hips will feel!!

6) Let Your Feet Breathe At Work

A lot of people these days who commute to work via public transport and have to walk quite a fair bit are wise enough to be seen in their trainers on the way to work. Once they reach the office, they will look smart again in their working shoes. On the other hand, you can also have a pair of open toed shoes or flip flops under your desk so you can switch to it when you are sitting at your table, allowing your feet to breathe so that you do not end up with stinky feet and callouses at the end of the day. ( I am pretty sure no one will take a peek under your desk )

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MAY 22, 2011

Shedding Light On A Hidden Traditional Practice – Female Genital Mutilation

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Interesting Readsno responses

By Eliane Luthi Poirier*

She uses a razor blade from a local corner store, broken in half to produce a sharp enough edge for the procedure. The tools used are not sterilized and the procedure is done without any sedation. Surgical gloves are not used; however, the ‘Mak Bidan’ will wash her hands with soap before performing the procedure.

The procedure, known euphemistically as “female circumcision,” is being performed on a young girl in a fisherman’s village in northern peninsular Malaysia. The ‘Mak Bidan’ performing it, a self-taught midwife, charges RM10 per procedure. Generally, before the procedure is performed, she receives offerings such as glutinous rice and eggs from the parents of the girl.

This ritual, more commonly known as “female genital cutting” (FGC) is performed on two to three million women and girls each year. Especially prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa, it has also been reported in the Middle East, and, closer to home, in certain areas of Malaysia and Indonesia.

The term FGC actually covers a wide variety of different practices, some more severe than others, which result in the complete or partial removal or alteration of the external genitalia of a girl. Worryingly, the procedure is often performed with unsanitary, makeshift, or rudimentary tools.

The health consequences of the practice can be severe. Immediate complications, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), can include severe pain, shock, hemorrhage (bleeding), tetanus or sepsis (bacterial infection), urine retention, open sores and injury to nearby tissue; while long-term consequences can include recurrent bladder and urinary tract infections, cysts, infertility, and an increased risk of childbirth complications and newborn deaths.

What brought about this harmful practice?

It is not immediately clear what the exact origins of FGC are. Because it is widely practiced in Muslim parts of the world, it is often mistaken for a Muslim practice, yet there is no mention or endorsement of this ritual in the Koran. Additionally, other communities, such animists and Christians in Africa, are also known to perform the ritual.

What does seem certain is that deeply entrenched beliefs about gender have played a major role in the propagation of the practice. The WHO points out that FGC is “often motivated by beliefs about what is considered proper sexual behavior, linking procedures to premarital virginity and marital fidelity.”

As such, FGC is another avenue for parents to ensure their daughters abide by the traditional global gender conventions of chastity, modesty and submissiveness. It also seems that compliance or non-compliance with the tradition has strong social consequences: UNICEF notes that in communities where FGC is practiced, “not conforming to the practice stigmatizes and isolates girls and their families, resulting in the loss of their social status. This deeply entrenched social convention is so powerful that parents are willing to have their daughters cut because they want the best for their children.”

FGC is illegal in Malaysia and there are few statistics regarding its prevalence here. Nevertheless, a descriptive study published last year, entitled “The Practice Of Female Genital Mutilation Among The Rural Malays In North Malaysia” by scholars Abdul Khan Rashid, Sapna S. Patil and Anita S. Valimalar shed some new light on the practice.

The authors believe that the ritual of FGC varies from state to state in Malaysia, but it is thought that the procedure is generally performed while the girl is in her infancy (usually before her second birthday). In rural societies such as the fishing villages they studied, the traditional practitioner will be a ‘Mak Bidan’ similar to the one described above, though the use of trained medical professionals in clinical environments seems to be on the increase. (There have even been reports of same procedure, known as ‘sunat’, being performed by doctors in certain medical clinics in Singapore).

Contrary to the type of FGC practiced elsewhere, sunat does not result in major injury to the girl’s genitalia, but – beyond considerations about discrimination against women – the unsanitary conditions in which it is usually carried out remains a major cause for concern.

Among Malay communities, the practice is motivated by religious beliefs: although FGC is not a religious obligation, most respondents in the above authors’ study believed that females who had not undergone the procedure were not Muslims. They also stated that they would continue the ritual on their own daughters, as they saw no harm in doing it.

The authors of the study rightly point to the need for the public and the ‘Mak Bidans’ to be educated on the dangers of FGC and the true religious requirements of the practice. “This is best done by those from the state religious authority and it should be multi-sectoral, sustained and community led,” they note. Indeed, with such a deep-seated and taboo social tradition, a community-based approach is necessary to foster constructive dialogue and positive social change.

For more information:

The World Health Organization: Female Genital Mutilation website

UNICEF Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting website

Desert Flower Foundation website

(a foundation run by Waris Dirie, the UN Special Ambassador for the elimination of Female Genital Mutilation)

*Eliane Luthi Poirier is a communications professional based in Senegal. She currently works at Tostan, an international NGO that empowers local communities and fosters dialogue on FGC. In the past, she has worked with numerous NGOs in Asia on various women’s issues, including domestic violence, human trafficking and harmful traditional practices.

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APRIL 26, 2011

The All Time Favorite Savasana

Posted by Dorothy under Community Interests, Wellness1 comment


Whenever I recite, let’s all go into savasana, I can always hear a sigh of relief from my students. Everyone then lays down on their mat into corpse pose and gentlycloses their eyes.

Savasana is a form of mental and physical relaxation where the body goes into a very deep sleep. Despite that, the mind is still aware and awake but is totally relaxed. The mind will be focused on the breath where breathing should be gentle and regular. One also has to be mindul that during inhalation, oxygen is transported to every cell in the bodyand this will release all the tensed areas and strengthen it. Whereas, during exhalation, the tension in the body will be released with each breath.

Savasana is a simple way of relaxation and can be done by anyone. Below are instructions needed for a 7 – 10 minutes savasana session.

Take note to speak in a boring, monotonous and draggy tone and keep telling your subject to relax and breathe. To have a more relaxing environment, feel free to play soft music with sounds of nature in the background.

To prepare:

  • -Lie down in Shavasana, keep feet at 1 foot apart and drop it freely to the floor.
  • -Hands long by the side of the body but 40˚ away from the body with palms facing up and fingers in jnana mudra (tip of thumb and second finger together)
  • -Keep the eyes closed
  • -Maintain yoga breathe at all times.
  • -Slightly lift the right feet 2 inches above the floor and flex the foot to feel the tension in the leg.lower down.
  • -Now lift the left leg and flex.slowly lower it down.
  • -Lift the right hand 2 inches above the floor and clench the fist to feel the tension in the arm.lower down.
  • -Then lift the left hand and clench. lower it down
  • -Raise the head and chest slightly above the floor and feel the tension in the neck. lower it down
  • -Keep inhaling and exhaling

To start:

Relax your toes… Inhale…Exhale…Inhale…Exhale…

Bring awareness to your heels… Breathe in… and out… to relax…

Focus on your breathas you continue to relax your calves…Relax…Relax…Relax…

Now relax your shins…Inhale…Exhale…Inhale… Exhale…

Continue to release all the tension in your knees…Focus on your breath…Just inhale… and exhale

Relax your butt/gluts… Breathe in deeply…And slowly exhale…

Go on to relax your pelvic area… Draw the breathe in…focus on your breath…and exhale…Relax…Relax… Relax…

Bring awareness to your abdominals… Inhale…Exhale… Inhale…Exhale…

Feel the wave of relaxation to your lower back as you inhale…and exhale….Relax….Relax…Relax…

As you inhale your chest rises…and exhale to let it fall…Breathe…Breathe…And breathe…Inhale to bring all the fresh air into your lungs. And exhale to release all the stale air…

Draw your breathe into your upper back…and continue to release all the tension in your shoulders…Relax…Relax…Relax…

Relax your upper arms… elbows…forearms… your wrists… and every finger in turn…Inhale…Exhale…

Continue to relax your neck…chin…lips…nose…eyes…eye brows…forehead… and scalp…Breathe… And relax…

Finally……… relax your ears…and cheeks…Inhale…Exhale…Inhale…Exhale…

NOTE: Let your subject continue to relax for about 1 minute with you reciting the words Relax…Relax…Relax… or Inhale… Exhale…. in between that 1 minute.

To end:

Bring the feet together and raise the arms over your head to stretch…stretch…stretch

Lower down the arms long by the side of the body. Keep the eyes closed…Inhale.Exhale. Inhale.Exhale.

Bend both knees in and drop the knees to the left….Keep the eyes closed and just breathe…Then switch to drop the knees to the right…When you are ready,push yourself up to sit in sukhasana. …Breathe in and out and relax before your open your eyes.

**Our Next 4N5D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat

**Our Next 2N3D Langkawi Yoga & Nature Retreat

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