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Respiratory System

The Respiratory System is one of the most vital systems in the body. It is composed of the lungs, the bronchial tube, the nose, and the air passages (larynx, pharynx, and trachea). It is mainly responsible in supplying oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide in the body. It also allows us to speak. Oxygen is our life source and lack in the supply of oxygen in the body could mean death. The oxygen which is provided by our Respiratory System is used by the hundred-billion cells that compose our body, especially the Brain. Among the diseases that affect the Respiratory System are Asthma, Bronchitis, Cold and Respiratory Allergies.

Yoga is usually connoted with health. One who practices yoga is said to be health conscious. With yoga, the mind and body can find relaxation, peace and tranquility. Its benefits include success in your profession, happiness and good health. One style of relaxing the mind and body in Yoga is through breathing.

For those who desire to live a long and healthy life, breathing 24 hours a day is extremely important. People who develop a good breathing is said to look better, get to finish more activity and have fun, and lives longer than others do. Breathing reduces physical and mental fatigue, chest pains, and the risk of heart attacks.

Benefits of Yoga and Respiration

Some Yoga traditions involving breathing exercises generate relaxation and calmness. Pranayama is performed by breathing in and out only through the nose. Breathing though the nose is beneficial than breathing through the mouth. Some Pranayama exercises are Nadi Sodhana or the Alternate Nostril Breathing, Sama Vrtti or Same or Equal Length Breathing, and Ujjayi or Victorious Breath.

Some helpful Pranayama are Uddiyana Bhanda which gives youthfulness to the whole body; Kapalabhati which stimulates every tissue of the body; and the Peacock posture which relieves indigestion and constipation.

To live a happy and longer life would be easier if Yoga is practiced. These breathing exercises will help relieve stress and other anxiety that people experience everyday.

Yoga for Respiratory Allergies

The respiratory system performs a vital role in the body. It is composed of the lungs, nose, mouth, sinuses, and the passages. This system provides oxygen, gets rid of the carbon dioxide, and allows you to speak. Any obstruction in the respiratory system can cause the lack of oxygen supply in the body and, in worse cases, can result to death.

Allergies are triggered by allergens and often affect the respiratory system. Most common allergens include pollen, dust, molds, food, insect venom, medicines, and latex rubber. Irritants such as cigarette smoke, air pollution, and some strong odor also impinge the respiratory system. Stress and heightened negative emotions can also aggravate allergies, which may lead to chronic respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis.

Common allergic reactions are sneezing, watery eyes, runny or clogged nose, coughing, eye, nose, and throat irritation, and conjunctivitis. These reactions are the body’s ways of defending itself against bacteria and viruses. The immune system generates Immunoglobin E or IgE, which attacks the particular allergen that enters the body. When the IgE encounters its allergen, it binds to it and the cell to which the IgE is attached releases histamine, cytokines or leukotrines, or any powerful inflammatory chemical.

The best way to prevent having allergic reactions is avoiding what triggers them. Yoga has a stabilizing effect on the immune system of the body. With the practice, the overall health and local resistance in respiratory passages is improved, thus tolerance to infection is increased. Yoga is also a great and effective stress management technique. It helps you relax and control your mind and emotions, consequently facilitating in the control of your allergic reaction. Nonetheless, Yoga helps only in the management of allergies and should not be treated as the sole cure. Medical attention is still needed.

The following are Basic Yoga Sessions that will help you manage your allergies and build up respiratory stamina. Each session is designed to make you fit and help you cope and prevent respiratory allergies and other diseases.

Basic Yoga Session


Kapalabhati is a Breathing Technique used specifically for cleansing. If you have a lot of mucus in the air passages or feel tension and blockages in the chest it is often helpful to breathe quickly.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Yoga Pose promotes the experience of stillness, strength, relaxed power, and immovable stability associated with mountains. This yoga posture, and coming back to this stillness after other poses, is one of the ways of becoming acquainted with stillness.

Hands to Feet (Pada Hastasana)

The Hands to Feet Pose or Pada Hastasana gives many of the same benefits as the Forward Bend - trimming the waist, restoring elasticity to the spine, and stretching the ligaments of the legs, especially the hamstrings.

Warrior Pose

The Warrior Pose stretches and strengthens the arms and legs, increases stamina, improve balance and concentration, and can also relieve backaches. If you are suffering from diarrhea, high blood pressure or neck problems, you should take extra caution practicing this pose.

Stand Spread Leg Forward Fold

Practicing the Standing Spread Leg Forward Fold can strengthen and stretch your inner and back legs and your spine. People with lower back problems should avoid doing the full forward bend. For beginners, you may use props like a folding chair to support your forearms.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

In Hindu art, the triangle is a potent symbol for the divine principle, and it is frequently found in the yantras and mandalas used for meditation. The Trikonasana or Triangle Pose concludes the Yoga Postures in our basic session.

Standing Side Stretch Pose

The Standing Side Stretch is another Yoga Pose with two lines of energy radiating outward from your center. This is a simple Yoga Posture with a wonderful stretch in which one line of energy reaches upward from your belly and outward through the arm, and one line travels downward through the legs.

Tree Pose (Tadasana)

The Tree Pose helps strengthen your thighs, calves, ankles and back. It can also increase the flexibility of your hips and groin. Your balance and concentration can also be improved with constant practice. This Yoga Pose is recommended for people who have sciatica and flat feet.

Lotus Yoga Pose (Padmasana)

The Lotus Yoga Pose is usually done in Meditation. It is a classic seated posture which strengthens your ankles and knees, enhances concentration, and improves flexibility of your legs.

Single Leg Raises

This Yoga Pose is performed in order to prepare the body for other exercises. It benefits the legs, lower back muscles, and abdominal area. In practicing the Single Leg Raise, one leg is raised while the other one stays on the floor.

Double Leg Raises

A Double Leg Raise is similar to a Single Leg Raise, only this time, you will raise both legs. In doing this Yoga Pose, make sure that the full length of your back is resting on the floor and your shoulders and neck are relaxed.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

This Yoga Pose improves spinal flexibility and strengthens the muscles in the arms and back. In addition, it is effective in relieving menstrual irregularities and constipation.

Child Pose

The Child Pose is a gentle way of stretching your shoulders, hips, thighs, ankles, and back muscles. It is a relaxation posture which is done to normalize the circulation after performing the Headstand and to serve as counter-pose after Backbends.

Leg Reclining Lunge (Single and Double)

The Leg Reclining Lunge is part of the series of Yoga Exercises which target the leg muscles. When done properly, this Yoga Pose can strengthen and tone all muscles in your legs. Learn how to perform the Single and Double Leg Reclining Lunge.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimothanasana)

Relax your body and mind, stretch your hamstrings, shoulders, and spine, relieve stress, and improve your posture and concentration by practicing the Seated Forward Bend. Learn how to do this properly and achieve maximum results.

Sage Twist Yoga Pose (Marichyasana)

Also called Marichi's Yoga Pose, the Sage Twist Pose benefits the abdominal organs and spine. Avoid doing this pose if you have chronic spine or back injury. Also, perform this only under the supervision of a Yoga instructor.

Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)

The term Pavanmuktasana comes from the Sanskrit word 'pavana' which means air or wind and 'mukta' which means freedom or release. The Wind Relieving Pose works mainly on the digestive system. Specifically, it helps in eliminating excess/unwanted gas in the stomach.

Yoga Exercise - Final Corpse

For you to appreciate the benefits of relaxation, you should first be familiar on how it is to be tense. This is what happens when you do the Final Corpse.

Relaxation Pose

There are three parts to proper relaxation - physical, mental and spiritual relaxation. Relaxation Yoga Pose relaxes your body and mind, and makes you feel refreshed after doing the asanas and the pranayamas. This is why it is an essential part of Yoga practice.

Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril.

Yoga for Asthma and Bronchitis

Yoga for Asthma and Bronchitis is a system inclusive of physical and mental training that can benefit people of all ages. It involves Asanas (body postures) and Pranayama (art of breath control), among which of its physical uses are to reduce stress-related conditions, help with circulatory and respiratory disorders such as Asthma and Bronchitis, and improve over-all health.

Asthma and Bronchitis are two chronic lung ailments that can cause damage to the lungs. These should be treated immediately to avoid any complications.

Asthma and Bronchitis


This is a very common respiratory complaint, which involves a severe narrowing of the bronchial tubes (bronchi). These tubes lead from the windpipe – called the trachea – into the lungs and they carry the oxygen we breathe in to all parts of the lungs and provide a path for the carbon dioxide to escape up the trachea when we breathe out. This narrowing of the bronchi causes difficulty in breathing, specifically when breathing out.

The typical attack is characterized by a sudden shortness of breath and wheezing, also sometimes accompanied by coughing. The bringing up of phlegm is not a prominent part of the attack, but if it occurs, the patient may also have Bronchitis. Asthma attack is triggered by infections like common cold and sinusitis, irritants or allergens breathed in like fumes and dust, food allergens, psychological changes, physical exertion, and even medicinal drugs. Identifying the causes and treating the symptoms early on can help prevent attacks and make it worse.


Bronchitis is a more critical lung ailment compared to Asthma – a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)– and is the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. This is a serious infection of the lungs and bronchial tubes, which can become chronic. Breathing polluted air and smoking are mainly responsible for this ailment.

This particular disorder has inflamed bronchial tubes caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It may develop suddenly, following a head cold (acute Bronchitis), or it may persist or return regularly for many years, causing progressive degeneration of bronchi and lungs (chronic Bronchitis). The color of the sputum (phlegm) shows how serious the form of chronic Bronchitis is. On one hand, initial symptoms for acute Bronchitis include head cold, running nose, fever and chills, aching muscles, and possibly back pain. The most obvious feature that follows is persistent cough. On the other hand, chronic Bronchitis is characterized by cough with sputum (phlegm), and other symptoms depend on how much or how little emphysema is present.

Certain people are more susceptible than others; men are more so than women, outnumbering them ten to one – the reasons why are unclear. Smokers are 50 times more likely to get chronic Bronchitis than non-smokers. Generally, it occurs with greater frequency in winter, in damp, cold climates, and in heavily polluted environments. Chilling, overcrowding, fatigue, and excessive smoking are contributory factors.

Yoga Exercises including the poses, breathing, and relaxation techniques put you in control of your mind and emotions, making you more relaxed and allowing you to breathe easier. This will also help your lungs work better and enhance airflow during Asthma attacks.

Here are the Yoga poses to help you feel better and take control over Asthma and Bronchitis, together with proper medication and your doctor’s help: h3

Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

This is one of the classic Meditative Poses and is usually performed after doing the Corpse Pose. The Easy Pose helps in straightening the spine, slowing down metabolism, promoting inner tranquility, and keeping your mind still.

Shoulder Lifts

Many people hold tension in their necks and shoulders, leading to stiffness, bad posture, and tension headaches. Yoga practice can ease tension, increase flexibility, and tone the muscles. This section covers the steps on how to practice Shoulder Lifts.

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a Yoga Pose which limbers up the whole body in preparation for the Yoga Asanas. It is a graceful sequence of twelve Yoga positions performed as one continuous exercise.

Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

If done properly, the Half Spinal Twist lengthens and strengthens the spine. It is also beneficial for your liver, kidneys, as well as adrenal glands. Practice this Yoga Pose under the supervision of a Yoga instructor.

Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)

The term Pavanmuktasana comes from the Sanskrit word 'pavana' which means air or wind and 'mukta' which means freedom or release. The Wind Relieving Pose works mainly on the digestive system. Specifically, it helps in eliminating excess gas in the stomach.

Yoga Exercise - Corpse Pose (Savasana)

The Corpse Yoga Pose is considered as a classic relaxation Yoga Pose and is practiced before or in between Asanas as well as a Final Relaxation. While it looks deceptively simple, it is actually difficult to perform.

Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril.

Relaxation Pose

There are three parts to proper relaxation - physical, mental and spiritual relaxation. Relaxation Yoga Pose relaxes your body and mind, and makes you feel refreshed after doing the asanas and the pranayamas. This is why it is an essential part of Yoga practice.

The general lifestyle involved in Yoga serves as a good therapy for respiratory problems. A healthy diet can build your resistance against cold, allergies, and other environmental causes of Asthma, Bronchitis, and other chronic respiratory disorders. It also promotes a non-smoking lifestyle.

According to Yoga philosophy, a calm mind produces regular breathing and a relaxed body. So, breathing exercises can definitely help people with Asthma and Bronchitis.

Yoga for Cold

Colds are considered to be the immune system's response to viral invasion. It is characterized by sneezing, scratchy throat, and runny nose. People with Colds may also have a sore throat, cough, Headache, mild fever, fatigue, muscle aches, and experience loss of appetite. Colds are caused by more than 200 different viruses such as rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, and Respiratory Syncytial Virus. Once the virus enters the body, it infects the cells in the nose which send signals that result to the production of white blood cells. These white blood cells will then emit immune system chemicals and cause the swelling of the nasal membranes, leakage of proteins and fluids from capillaries and lymph vessels and the increased mucus production. Actual Cold symptoms usually begin two or three days after a person is infected and usually lasts from two to 14 days. If your Cold lasts for more than two weeks, it will be best to consult a doctor since this may be the result of an allergy. Colds associated with high fever, swollen glands, severe facial pain in the sinuses, and cough that produces mucus may be caused by an underlying chronic ailment and requires medical attention.

Colds are contagious and may be passed on through hand contact or inhaling airborne particles released by someone when they cough or sneeze. Since most Cold virus survive better in low humidity, Colds is more prevalent in Cold months of winter and fall. The Cold temperature during these seasons can also make the nasal passages' lining drier thus making it more susceptible to viral infection. Researches also show that psychological and emotional stress, Allergic Disorders affect the nasal passages or the throat, and the menstrual cycle also have an impact on a person's susceptibility to Colds. Colds can be prevented by handwashing and using disinfectants may also help in preventing the spread of Cold virus. It is usually treated with bed rest, drinking plenty of liquids, gargling with warm salt water, applying petroleum jelly for a raw nose, and aspirin or acetaminophen when your Cold comes with headache or fever.

The strength of a person's immune system plays an important part in the prevention of Colds. Yoga, on the other hand, deals with holistic development of the person. It includes healthy living which means getting enough sleep, eating healthy food, drinking plenty of liquid, and no tobacco. This Yogic Lifestyle will not only help in preventing Cold but in improving a person's health and strengthening his immune system lessening his susceptibility to Colds. Mild exercise in the form of the Asanas can also contribute in making the body fitter. Having a positive outlook in life, learning how to relax your mind and body can also give you an edge in managing emotional and psychological stress and lessen your vulnerability to Cold virus.

The following are the Yoga Exercises that can help you achieve greater defense against Colds:

Basic Yoga Session


Kapalabhati is a Breathing Technique used specifically for cleansing. If you have a lot of mucus in the air passages or feel tension and blockages in the chest it is often helpful to breathe quickly.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Yoga Pose promotes the experience of stillness, strength, relaxed power, and immovable stability associated with mountains. This yoga posture, and coming back to this stillness after other poses, is one of the ways of becoming acquainted with stillness.

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)

The Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar is a Yoga Pose which limbers up the whole body in preparation for the Yoga Asanas. It is a graceful sequence of twelve Yoga positions performed as one continuous exercise.

Warrior Pose

The Warrior Pose stretches and strengthens the arms and legs, increases stamina, improve balance and concentration, and can also relieve backaches. If you are suffering from diarrhea, high blood pressure or neck problems, you should take extra caution practicing this pose.

Stand Spread Leg Forward Fold

Practicing the Standing Spread Leg Forward Fold can strengthen and stretch your inner and back legs and your spine. People with lower back problems should avoid doing the full forward bend. For beginners, you may use props like a folding chair to support your forearms.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

In Hindu art, the triangle is a potent symbol for the divine principle, and it is frequently found in the yantras and mandalas used for meditation. The Trikonasana or Triangle Pose concludes the Yoga Postures in our basic session.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Doing the Fish Pose relieves stiffness of the neck and shoulder muscles and improves flexibility of your spine. It is the counter-pose of the Shoulderstand. Hold the Fish Pose for at least half the amount of time you spent in the Shoulderstand in order to balance the stretch.

Tree Pose (Tadasana)

The Tree Pose helps strengthen your thighs, calves, ankles and back. It can also increase the flexibility of your hips and groin. Your balance and concentration can also be improved with constant practice. This Yoga Pose is recommended for people who have sciatica and flat feet.

Lotus Yoga Pose (Padmasana)

The Lotus Yoga Pose is usually done in Meditation. It is a classic seated posture which strengthens your ankles and knees, enhances concentration, and improves flexibility of your legs.

Boat Posture

Perform the Boat Pose to strengthen your abdominal area and hip flexor, tone muscles in the midsection, improve digestion, and relieve stress. You can use a Yoga Strap to aid you in holding the pose longer or if you cannot keep your legs straight.

Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana)

In the Shoulder Stand, your body is resting on your shoulders. This Yoga Pose improves circulation, strengthens the abdominal area, and stimulates the thyroid gland. In this section, learn how the Shoulder Stand is performed.

Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

If the Cobra Pose works mainly on the upper back, the Locust Pose targets the lower part. This posture also strengthens the abdominal area, arms, and legs. Another thing that makes it different from many poses is that it entails rapid movement.

Seated Forward Bend (Paschimothanasana)

Relax your body and mind, stretch your hamstrings, shoulders, and spine, relieve stress, and improve your posture and concentration by practicing the Seated Forward Bend. Learn how to do this properly and achieve maximum results.

Half Spinal Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

If done properly, the Half Spinal Twist lengthens and strengthens the spine. It is also beneficial for your liver, kidneys, as well as adrenal glands. Practice this Yoga Pose under the supervision of a Yoga instructor.

Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanmuktasana)

The term Pavanmuktasana comes from the Sanskrit word 'pavana' which means air or wind and 'mukta' which means freedom or release. The Wind Relieving Pose works mainly on the digestive system. Specifically, it helps in eliminating excess/unwanted gas in the stomach.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

The Bow Pose resembles an archer's bow. It strengthens the muscles in the back area, improves posture, and helps in dealing with several gastrointestinal problems. Take note that this Yoga Pose is not for people who are suffering from serious neck or back injury.

Cat Pose (Bidalasana)

The Cat Yoga Pose teaches you to initiate movement from your center and to coordinate your movement and breath. These are two of the most important themes in Yoga practice. Keep in mind that the Cat Pose may not be advisable if you have any chronic or recent back pain or injury.

Yoga Exercise - Final Corpse

For you to appreciate the benefits of relaxation, you should first be familiar on how it is to be tense. This is what happens when you do the Final Corpse.

Relaxation Pose

There are three parts to proper relaxation - physical, mental and spiritual relaxation. Relaxation Yoga Pose relaxes your body and mind, and makes you feel refreshed after doing the asanas and the pranayamas. This is why it is an essential part of Yoga practice.

Anuloma Viloma

Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril.