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Anuloma Viloma (Pranayama) With Jalandhara Banda / Chin Lock


  1. Right hand in Vishnu mudra (fold the index and middle finger in).
  2. Left hand in Chin mudra.
  3. Sit in Padmasana / Samasana position
  4. Close the right nostril with the thumb. Inhale through the left nostril for 4 counts, then close the left nostril with the last 2 fingers so that both nostrils are closed to retain the breath by chin lock / Jalandhara bandha for 8 counts. Then lift the head up and exhale through the right nostril for 8 counts, releasing the thumb.
  5. Now inhale through the right nostril for 4 counts, close the right nostril with the thumb, chin lock 8 counts and exhale through the left nostril for 8 counts.
  6. This whole procedure is 1 round at the ratio of 1:2:2.
  7. Do at least 5 rounds. For intermediate and advanced students, increase the number of rounds and the ratio.


  1. Cleanse and strengthen the lungs and other respiratory system. As the exhalation is 2x the inhalation, more carbon dioxide and any impurities are expelled through the lungs.
  2. The breath is alternated between the 2 nostrils and this equalizes the breathing.
  3. The mind is calmer, the body feels lighter and the eye sight becomes clearer.