
'The Art Of Contrology' was what German-born Joseph Pilates named the exercise which was developed by him during World War 1. But over the years it has since been known as the Pilates Method.

Being a fitness professional, he created an exercise by bringing together various Eastern and Western teachings with the aim of working the body 'smart' and not 'hard' like what most of the fitness buffs are doing. After many experiences with other forms of exercise he found this method to be safe and effective for everyone, from those who barely exercise to those who routinely exercise and even people of various age groups.

When Pilates first opened his studio called The Pilates Studio on 8th Avenue in New York, it was more of a physiotherapy centre for boxers, dancers and gymnasts to treat their injuries. But when they experienced the benefits of this method, they started frequenting The Pilates Studio and practised Pilates as part of their exercise regime.

From then on, followers of the Pilates Method multiplied rapidly as it proved to be medically beneficial in correcting postural problems and that it can be personalised to suit individual posture types and medical conditions. Not only that, but it is a total body conditioning experience which promotes core stability and strength by focusing on deep muscles and muscle balance.

Hence, the Pilates Method should be intergrated as part of one's daily exercise schedule or it can by itself be a complete exercise routine.


Every exercise benefits the mind, body and soul but there is also no doubt that many are harmful to the muscles, joints and bones. Pilates however remains to be an exercise which not only improves and maintains one's well being and physique but most importantly it is catered not only to the young but most amazingly to the old. This means that being old is no longer an issue to prevent one from exercising. Therefore it is undeniably an adaptable work out and will benefit all in many ways.


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we no longer know how to relax our body and minds. Pilates helps and teaches us to relax by breathing and being conscious of loosening up certain body parts while performing an exercise.

Stretching & Flexibility

Sitting at the desk reading or working on the computer for long hours often result in a people stretching their arms and legs out in between to release the tensions in the body due to being in a position which restricts the range of the body's natural movement. Other than that, for example those who go to the gym, do aerobic exercises and play sports will experience shortening of their muscles. Therefore, there is a great need to regularly stretch those muscles. Besides that, stretching helps to increase and maintain the flexibility of the muscles.

Body Alingment, Shape And Posture

It is not uncommon for people to be stronger on one side. For instance, a right handed will be stronger on the right or a person who uses more of the right leg while playing football will develop more muscles on the right leg. The result of repetitive use is a more muscular right arm and leg or even one leg being shorter than the other. Similarly, the body shape will not be balanced and posture will be compromised.

Such imperfections can be corrected with Pilates where the emphasis is on working on right and left muscles equally and isolating the use of muscles by coordination the movements .

Core Strength

While many are working out in various ways to tone their muscles, they do not realize the importance of strengthening the deep muscles. What matters to them is to 'buff up' with superficial muscles. Pilates focuses on working the deep muscles to support the body structure.

The key towards an effective Pilates workout is to keep in mind and master the few principles which acts as the foundation of each exercise.

PPOWERHOUSEThe muscles in the region of the abdomen, buttocks, inner thighs and lower back forms the 'powerhouse' or 'centre'. It controls all the movements in the exercises.
IIMAGINE AND FOCUSImagine the movements and focus on the correct muscles which are being used. The mind and body will then be connected for a more effective workout.
LLIMITING WITHIN THE 'FRAME'Draw a rectangle between the hips and shoulders – that is the 'frame'. The 'frame' should be kept stable and strong at all times. Even though some movements are outside the frame, try to keep it within the extended lines of the rectangle. For instance, the double leg stretch requires the arms to circle. Therefore try to keep the arms within the lines of the shoulders and the legs within the lines of the hips.
AACCURACYThe exercises have to be done with accurate movements and with control. Hence, it is important to instruct precisely and perform the exercises thoughtfully.
TTOTAL BREATH CONTROLBe mindful of the breath as inhalation is through the nose and exhalation is through pursed lips. Breathing promotes concentration and relaxes the muscles because inhalation brings oxygen into the bloodstream and exhalation removes toxins. Therefore, every step of the movement coordinates with the breathing. Also, it is during exhalation that consciousness should be brought to draw the navel to the spine.
EEFFECTIVE CONTROLMuscle control is required to prevent injuries and it enhances the benefits of each movement.
SSEQUENCINGExercising with flow require less movements or awkward and uncomfortable movements in between. It is therefore important to ensure that the sequence of the exercises are smooth, continuous, effortless but is filled with 'energetic dynamics'.