
Savasana is a form of mental and physical relaxation where the body goes into a very deep sleep. Despite that, the mind is still aware and awake but is totally relaxed. The mind will be focused on the breath where breathing should be gentle and regular. During inhalation, oxygen is transported to every cell in the body. This will release all the tensed areas and strengthen it. During exhalation, the tension in the body will be released with each breath.

Savasana is a form of mental and physical relaxation where the body goes into a very deep sleep. Despite that, the mind is still aware and awake but is totally relaxed. The mind will be focused on the breath where breathing should be gentle and regular. During inhalation, oxygen is transported to every cell in the body. This will release all the tensed areas and strengthen it. During exhalation, the tension in the body will be released with each breath.