Home arrow About Yoga arrow Techniques On Various Asanas arrow Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)

Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose)



  1. Stand in Tadasana.
  2. Open your feet at about 4 ft apart. ( It actually varies depending on the length of your legs )
  3. Make sure that your feet are in line.
  4. Raise your arms to shoulder – level and parallel to the floor, palms facing downwards.
  5. Turn your left foot in at 60˚ and right foot out at 90˚.
  6. Exhale, slowly bend your right knee at 90˚ to the floor, tighten your buttocks, press your left hip in.
  7. Take one or two breaths, then exhale and lower down your right hand beside your right foot and press your palm into the floor. Your armpit should be touching the outside of your right knee.
  8. Make minor adjustments to your right leg so that it stays at 90˚.
  9. Stretch the left arm over your head, palms facing down and armpit close to the ear.
  10. Tuck in your shoulder blades and buttocks. Open your chest, turn your head and look upwards under your extended arm.
  11. Breathe evenly.

Variation: - Pavrita Parsvakonasana

  1. Follow the above instructions from 1 – 8.
  2. Similarly lower down your left arm beside your right foot so that the foot is in between your palms. Breathe evenly.
  3. Exhale, tuck your abdominal in, bring your left palm towards your left hip, slowly twist your waist while bringing your right elbow over your left knee.
  4. Place both palms together in prayer position close to your chest. Put some pressure on your left thigh.
  5. Tuck in your shoulders, inhale and exhale while twisting your spine more and opening your chest. Turn your head and look upwards.

Getting out of the pose:

  1. Inhale, raise the extended arm towards the ceiling.
  2. Then exhale, raise the body to the upright position with arms at shoulder height.
  3. Inhale and exhale to straighten the bent knee and lower the arms by the side of the body.


  1. Strengthens the leg muscles and the shoulder blades.
  2. Reduces discomfort in the dorsal spine area.
  3. Improves flexibility of the back and hips.
  4. Opens the chest and stretches the waist.

Chakra stimulated and which has to be concentrated on:

Manipura chakra which is situated in the spine behind the navel.


  1. Look forward if you experience pain in the neck.
  2. Do not hold the posture too long if you have knee, ankle, back or shoulder injuries.
  3. Your forward leg should be at 90˚ to the floor.